The person that calls himself the worlds leadning economist, does not even know who buys the clothes that he wears or the food that he eats!
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![]() For the future psychiatry students who will be doing their PHD studies on cults and their leaders, please feel welcome to study the LC/LYM and Larouche to fully understand just how a Bizarro World is created and run in a seperate time space continuum What is very important for people to examine is just how utterly ludicrous the latest legal brilliance by Lyn is against Molly Kronberg and that uttered check. Always keep in mind this idea. When Lyn writes this crap, it is for the internal consumption of the current members, not the real world. We are in a closed loop of the Bizarro World with the last gasping deadenders who surrendered their entire adult lives to a madman and current LYM and LYMettes who were born when the trials were underway as they surrender their adult lives After surrendering your brain cells to Lyn over and over for decades, you will want and need to believe Lyn that the entire legal cases of the cult are based on a 5K check , located in Molly's drawers, a place which terrifies Lyn. The deadenders are asked once again to believe that Lyn knew all about this, just like he knew all about Detroit before they left , how Gus was a KGB agent, Chris White was brainwashed and Tony P had a "problem" in the DC area during a conference. Wait, Lyn did know about Tony P's problem I reckon Wait another dog gone minute here. According to EagleBeak, the infamous 5K check was not in her drawer, but in Richard W's desk drawer Lyn also knew for decades that Molly was a committed Anglophile and spent all of those years baking cookies and pies for Church of England bake sales instead of editing and rewriting his screeds for all of those years. Oh, Lyn also knew that Molly was a FBI agent of sorts for all of those decades as well. Just shows you that Lyn finds it much easier to locate a G-Man or G-Woman instead of a G-Spot I guess. How about we take a look at the closing arguments of the prosecuter in the Va trial and search for that infamous uttered 5K check Molly had hidden in her drawers? Quote:
Agreed, let us take a short recess to reread that a few times I would suggest that anyone with the IRS reread that and ask if anything has changed since we still Rick M handling money, no Ibykus, but accomodations, food, expenses, trips and other standards of living which are pretty hard to buy when your reported income is about 26K to 29K as Lyn was reporting LaRouche Personal Financial Disclosure LaRouche is living like a millionaire yet pretends living with a minimum wage! From "LL and New American Fascism" - Chapter Thirty-two - The Shell Game The NCLC's policy of keeping no assets in its own name dates back to 1978, when a $90,000 judgment against the NCLC was obtained by the Bank of Nova Scotia, The NCLC simply shut down its accounts and transferred its assets to controlled entities. An NCLC internal memo boasted that these assets had gone ''underground." LaRouche handles his personal finances in the same way. He holds no property in his own name, maintains no personal bank accounts within the United States, and receives no salary, ostensibly living off the charity of his followers. His residences are always owned or rented by associates, so that he appears to be a guest in his own house. In 1984 he testified in a lawsuit that he hadn't paid a penny in income tax for twelve years, and had no idea who paid for his food, clothing, attorneys, and other necessities. "I have not made a purchase of anything greater than a five-dollar haircut in the last ten years," he said. 1979 Official income: $6,000 (1) 2000 Official income: $29,041.52. (pdf file - 549 Kb.) . (2) 2001 Official income: $25,866.65. (pdf file - 524 Kb.) . (2) 2002 Official income: $26,451. (pdf file - 577 Kb.) . (2) Last edited by xlcr4life; 04-04-2009 at 05:19 AM. |
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